

An instructor teaches at the front of the class


For the final assessment of the course, you will facilitate an activity from your lesson plan with other faculty members of the community of practice acting as students.

To meet the expectations of the activity, you will:

  • submit your revised lesson plan, incorporating instructor and peer feedback;
  • appropriately use Dual Modality classroom technology to transmit course materials and audio to both in-person and remote students;
  • and facilitate a brief activity (10-12 mins) in which in-person and remote students connect with each other

After completing the demonstration of your lesson, peers will provide feedback. You will complete a short reflection on the experience noting what you will change or continue to do when facilitating the activity in your course.


Suggestions for Improvement Competency Areas of Excellence
A thorough lesson plan was submitted detailing the parts of the lesson, the technology processes, and the activity to be facilitated 
Both in-person and remote students could view course materials used in the lesson. 
Both in-person and remote students could hear audio from the class. 
Both in-person and remote students could see each other. 
In-person and remote students were given the opportunity to connect with each other on an activity. They could see and hear throughout the activity.