
20 Citing Sources

Most writing in business and other academic disciplines (except for English) use American Psychological Association (APA) standards for formatting documents, including research papers.

Review APA Format: Paper Basics from EasyBib:


Citing your sources involves the critical functions of

  1. Ensuring you give proper attribution to the owner of the intellectual property and
  2. Ensuring you do not plagiarize the intellectual property of others.

One of the most popular resources for up-to-date APA format (7th edition, 2019) standards in on the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (Purdue OWL).

APA Citation Worksheets

Instructions: Complete the worksheets created by Oregon School Library Information System[1] to sharpen your APA citation formatting skills.

  1. Oregon School Library Information System created a set of openly licensed materials through funding from an IMLS grant. Use policy: https://secondary.educator.oslis.org/oslissupport/osliscopypolicy