Book Title: Been There, Done That: The Business Student’s Guide to Rhetorical Analysis & Discourse Communities

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Book Description: This book was developed by one section of the University of Baltimore spring 2020 Composition and Research (WRIT 300) course for Merrick School of Business (MSB) students. This book is designed to take business students beyond the standard requirements for the class. In addition to exploring rhetorical analysis of discourse community genres, the students developed essays to guide future learners through the development of specific genres used in business-related discourse communities. The hard work and enduring patience of the spring 2020 students has culminated in this publication, "Been There, Done That: The Business Student’s Guide to Rhetorical Analysis & Discourse Communities." The book includes guidance for future WRIT 300 MSB students a guide to success – from a college student’s point of view.
Book Information
Been There, Done That: The Business Student’s Guide to Rhetorical Analysis & Discourse Communities Copyright © 2020 by Tracy L. Worley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Business communication and presentation