
13 Business Genres

To follow are examples of business genres you may come across in the study of your discipline or in the work force. These are relevant examples of the business genres you may need to analyze in your Composition and Research course.

Direct mail marketing example [1]

Lifestyle Publishing

Lifestyle Publishing uses these postcards as part of its marketing campaign utilizing email, print, and digital ad media. The campaign was launched to encourage Christian writers to self-publish.

What Works
This 2019 postcard communicates that Lifestyle Publishing understands the needs of self-publishers. By placing actual book covers from other self-published authors and listing the services offered, they make an immediate connection with their prospects. Prospects see what appears to be an open bible and make the connection to Christian books.

Category: Publishing

Product: Full Editing and Publishing Services

Example of Lifestyle publishing flyer, front cover.


Examples of Lifestyle publishing formats and list of services.

Business report sample [2]

Small business owner report 2020


Information technology status report [3]

Village of Schaumburg Information Technology dept. monthly report


Financial summary example [4]


Nomura Financial Holdings Inc. Financial Summary Report

  1. TLF Limited Management (2021). Lifestyle Publishing. tlflimited.com
  2. Bank of America's Small Business support services: https://about.bankofamerica.com/en-us/what-guides-us/small-businesses.html#fbid=sO-At7q-lyR
  3. Access the Village of Schaumburg's monthly reports for all government departments here: https://www.villageofschaumburg.com/government
  4. Sample Templates (2020). Nomura Holdsings Inc.: Financial Summary. https://www.sampletemplates.com/business-templates/sample-financial-summary-template.html