
Lab 2 – Snacks & Stats

Required materials

  • 4 bags of milk chocolate M&M candies in original colors (at least “share size” or 2.8 oz/79.4 g)
  • 4 bags of peanut M&Ms candies in original colors (at least “share size” or 2.8 oz/79.4 g) (Note: if you have a nut allergy, you may pick a different kind of M&M to buy 4 bags of e.g. mini M&Ms, crunchy, caramel, etc).
  • 2x medium mixing bowls
  • ¼ dry measuring cup
  • Liquid measuring cup, with a 1/4 c measurement (Liquid measuring cups are generally clear glass or plastic, with a handle that go up to 1, 2, 4, or 8 cups)
  • Measuring spoons (1 tsp and 1 Tbsp)
  • Clean area on which to sort M&Ms (baking trays, brownie pan, large plate, etc)
  • Calculator (Optional: If you are familiar with Excel/Google Sheets, you may perform your calculations there, however, the tables in this lab are what will be graded, so please transfer your values to the tables contained in this lab, please do not turn in an Excel/Google sheet).


The idea for this lab was inspired by Canaes et al. 2008. Using candy samples to learn about sampling techniques and statistical data evaluation. Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 85:8.