
14 Thesis Statement

A thesis or purpose statement:

  • Announces the purpose, scope, or direction of a paper
  • Tells the reader what to expect by stating  position and supporting points to be discussed
There are 3 different types of thesis statements:

The T3 Strategy

Under this strategy, 3 examples of supporting arguments or themes are provided within the framework of the thesis itself.
Note how the following thesis fails to identify any supporting ideas from the body paragraphs to follow.


In “A Wind from the North”, Bill Capossere conveys the loneliness of isolated life
Identify evidence from source(s) that support your interpretation:


In “A Wind from the North”, Bill Capossere conveys the loneliness of isolated life using the motif of snow, the repeated phrase “five or six days” (103), and the symbol of his uncle’s car.

The O/P Strategy

This thesis is broken into two parts:
  • O for Observation
  • P for Position

Note how the following example fails to properly identify the position in which the writer has taken in response to the context provided through the opening observation regarding societal norms.


As our society moves from individualism to isolationism, Bill Capossere’s “A Wind from the North” is a salient example of a life lived alone.

How exactly does the author portray isolation in his story?  This becomes clearer in the example that follows, as the writer identifies a theme, main characters, and elements of plot.


As our society moves from individualism to isolationism, Bill Capossere’s “A Wind from the North” is a salient example of a life lived alone.  Using recurring images, Capossere conveys the loneliness of his uncle leading up to his death.
Here the writer provides evidence from the text to support the given position, specifying what’s to come in the body of the essay.  Mainly, a series of recurring images.

Inquiry-based thesis

This “delayed thesis” sets out to answer a posed question.


Bill Capossere’s essay “A Wind from the North” suggests that isolation results in sorrow and loneliness; is this always the case? How does Capossere create such a vision in his uncle’s life?

The main themes of the essay are defined in the argument presented.  However, it is unclear whether the essay will go on to affirm or refute the claims made in this thesis, establishing a level of intrigue.


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