
5 Paramedic Method

This is a method for simplifying and clarifying your sentences.

  1. Circle the prepositions (of, in, about, for, onto, into)
  2. Draw a box around “is” verb forms (be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been)
  3. Ask, “Where’s the action, and who’s taking it?” (“Who is kicking whom?”) Move the actor into the subject.
  4. Change the action into a simple verb.
  5. Eliminate any unnecessary slow wind-ups.
Example: The point I wish to make is that the employees working at this company are in need of a much better manager of their money.
  • Who’s the  main actor? Employees 
  • What is the action? Employees need
  • Slow wind-up? The point I wish to make is that…
  • Other unnecessary words? much better (why not just “better”?)
Revised sentence: This company’s employees need a better money manager.


Sentences for Revision (PRACTICE):

  1. It is widely known that the engineers at Sandia Labs have become active participants in the Search and Rescue operations in most years.
  2. Their motives were applauded by us, but their wisdom was doubted.





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