
2 Effective messaging

Messaging is effective when and if it clearly conveys the message sent and the recipient clearly understands the intention and context of the message. But how does one ensure that the message sent conveys what is meant to be sent? The only sure way is to employ methodical use of rhetoric so that the message is clear and transparent.

Transparency and Clarity

Transparency in writing is articulating content honestly. For example, when reporting on business research, linguistic transparency can be achieved when the writer shares information that is understandable, credible (with supporting evidence), and realistic. Roberts (n.d.) posits that a lack of transparency in writing causes distrust of the message and the messenger.[1]

Clear, easily understood messages are written in a simple, meaningful way that does not cause confusion by the overuse of unnecessary words that add nothing to the message. Clear business messages are objective, concise, and free of writer opining on the topic. This is important, even for business students, so that your reader is not confused or unable to decipher the intended message.

Transparency and clarity are critical for business writing because in business discourse (language, rhetoric, lexis), deals are made, contracts are executed, and partnerships are formed – and there is no room for conjecture or vague language.


  1. Roberts, J. (n.d.). Writing for Strategic Communication Industries, Pressbooks Open Library. Retrieved from https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/stratcommwriting/chapter/lack-of-transparency/