Making Connections | Peer Interview


Engage in a peer-to-peer conversation to collaboratively explore and understand the implications of AI trends for your shared field of study, fostering a deeper appreciation for how AI intersects with your academic journey at UBalt.


For this activity, you’ll engage in a conversation with a classmate from your major to explore the implications of AI, drawing on what you’ve learned from the materials in this module.

  1. Decide on the format of your conversation. You can:
    • Conduct a live interview and record it (voice or video). Ensure you have your classmate’s permission to record.
    • Engage in an email exchange.
  2. Discuss the article, using the following questions to guide your conversation:
    How do the evolving AI trends discussed in the resources impact your major or field of study?
    Reflecting on what you’ve learned in this course, how do you see AI tools and principles being integrated into your academic journey at UBalt?
    What ethical considerations should we keep in mind when using AI in our field of study?
    Are there specific limitations of AI chatbots or technologies that are particularly relevant to your major? How might you navigate them?
  3. When posting your recording/document, reflect on the experience with these questions:
    Were there any insights shared by your classmate that surprised you or made you think differently?
    How has this conversation influenced your perspective on the role of AI in your academic journey?

Follow your instructor’s directions for submitting this assignment to your LMS or elsewhere.


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From Chalkboards to Chatbots (Student Edition, Fall 2024) Copyright © 2024 by CELTT (University of Baltimore) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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