Hands-On Activity | Can You Spot the Cheat?


Test your understanding of academic integrity in the digital age by identifying instances where AI tools are used ethically versus when they cross the line into cheating.


Place the scenarios under the correct heading. You may use the H5P activity here in this Pressbook or create your own version in your LMS. You can also view the activity as a PDF here.

Take a look at your answers above. What led you to sort the scenarios in this way? Do you notice any patterns or similarities when comparing the scenarios under each category? Share your thoughts briefly.

Follow your instructor’s directions for submitting this assignment to your LMS or elsewhere.


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From Chalkboards to Chatbots (Student Edition, Fall 2024) Copyright © 2024 by CELTT (University of Baltimore) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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