Making Connections | What UBalt Students Can and Can’t Do


Analyze your course syllabi to discern UBalt’s specific policies on AI use, reinforcing your understanding of how AI tools are perceived and regulated.


  1. Find the syllabi for all of the courses you are taking this semester.
  2. From each one, identify any language related to AI use.
  3. Determine which classes allow AI use. Be sure to provide clear evidence supporting your claims. You may find that some faculty:
    • have very explicit guidelines related to AI use throughout the course.
    • may explain whether AI use is allowed for specific activities or assignments.
    • may not have any clear policy in their syllabus.

Follow your instructor’s directions for submitting this assignment to your LMS or elsewhere.

OPTIONAL: It’s important for students to advocate for themselves and seek clarity from their professors when they have questions about course policies. If you found any syllabi lacking clear language about AI use in a course, send that professor a polite e-mail for more information.


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From Chalkboards to Chatbots (Student Edition, Fall 2024) Copyright © 2024 by CELTT (University of Baltimore) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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