In today’s educational landscape, generative AI is rapidly transforming how we learn and teach. This course was originally designed to study perceptions of AI in education. However, it has since evolved to focus on equipping faculty with the skills needed to engage effectively with generative AI in their classes. Our aim is to shift the focus from fear and skepticism to a better understanding of generative AI’s positive impact and practical applications.

Research Questions

This course was created as part of a SoTL research project in October 2023. Below are the research questions we used to guide our exploration:

  1. How do faculty members view AI’s role in teaching and learning, and how does this influence their willingness to incorporate AI tools in their teaching?
  2. What are students’ perspectives on AI’s impact on their learning experiences, including benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations?
  3. How can educational tools that inform faculty and students about AI influence perceptions, attitudes, and classroom engagement, potentially shifting the conversation from apprehension to curiosity?

Now that our research has concluded, we now hope that this course can model the potential of generative AI in education. We continue to work towards creating informed and inclusive learning environments that harness the benefits of generative AI.


Generative AI is a field characterized by rapid advancements and continuous innovation. While the materials in this course are curated to offer comprehensive insights, it’s worth noting that the capabilities and nuances of AI technologies can evolve quickly.

For instance, many sources may reference ChatGPT’s knowledge as being up to 2021. However, with new integrations, this tool has expanded its information access. This highlights the ongoing progress and enhancements in the AI domain.

We encourage an active engagement with this course, understanding that while foundational concepts remain consistent, specific details or capabilities can see refinements and improvements. The creators of this course are committed to maintaining the relevance and accuracy of the content. We will make efforts to adjust pages or modules when significant updates impact the resources provided. We also believe that staying informed with the latest generative AI developments beyond this course will complement the knowledge you gain here, ensuring a well-rounded grasp of generative AI’s potential and applications.

Thank you for your dedication to learning, and we’re excited to share this knowledge with you.


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From Chalkboards to Chatbots (Faculty Edition, Fall 2024) Copyright © 2024 by CELTT (University of Baltimore) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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