
This activity is designed to provide hands-on experience with generative AI tools, enabling you to directly apply your newfound knowledge, experiment with AI-driven educational strategies, and explore its potential to enhance teaching and learning in your discipline.


Now that you have learned more about AI and its implications, let’s explore how to use these tools thoughtfully.

  1. Select one of the following generative AI tools:
  2. To explore how generative AI can enhance your teaching, consider how these tools can aid in the following tasks, as highlighted in the Ithaka S+R publication:
    • Discovery: Use AI to uncover new research trends or resources in your discipline.
      Summarize the latest research trends in AI ethics in [your field] published in 2024. Highlight key findings and implications for those entering the workforce.”
    • Understanding: Use AI to deepen comprehension of complex topics.
      Explain the concept of neural networks in simple terms and summarize three recent academic papers on this topic.” 
    • Creation: Use AI in the creative process of developing new educational materials.
      “Generate three ethical scenarios involving the use of AI in classroom settings. Include potential challenges and considerations for each scenario.”

Follow your instructor’s directions for submitting this assignment to your LMS or elsewhere.


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From Chalkboards to Chatbots (Faculty Edition, Fall 2024) Copyright © 2024 by CELTT (University of Baltimore) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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