Mike Caulfield
Some Reputable Fact-Checking Organizations
The following organizations are generally regarded as reputable fact-checking organizations focused on U.S. national news:
- Politifact
- Factcheck.org
- Washington Post Fact Checker
- Snopes
- Truth be Told
- NPR Fact-Check
- Lie Detector (Univision, Spanish language)
- Hoax Slayer
Respected specialty sites cover niche areas such as climate or celebrities. Here are a few examples:
There are many fact-checking sites outside the U.S. Here is a small sample:
- FactsCan (Canada)
- TrudeauMetre (Canada)
- El Polígrafo (Mexico)
- The Hound (Mexico)
- Guardian Reality Check (UK)
- BBC Reality Check (UK)
- Channel 4 Fact Check (UK)
- Full Fact (UK)