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Rebeccah Leiby
CHAPTER I: Why care about ethics?
I.2 Reading: "This is Water" by David Foster Wallace
I.3 Engagement: Define the Terms
CHAPTER II: What are ethics?
II.2 Reading: "The Ring of Gyges" by Plato
Noah Levin
II.3 Engagement: Restate the Claims
CHAPTER III: What are my ethics?
III.2 Reading: "Euthyphro" by Plato
III.3 Engagement: Reconstruct the Argument
CHAPTER IV: What is the relationship between my ethics and structural ethical systems?
IV.2 Reading: "The Two Moralities" by Lon Fuller
IV.3 Engagement: Assess the Evidence
CHAPTER V: Should I focus on building a good character?
V.2 Reading: "Nicomachean Ethics" by Aristotle
V.3 Reading: "Situationism and Virtue Ethics on the Content of Our Character"*
V.4 Engagement: Mount an Objection (Thought Experiment)
CHAPTER VI: Should I focus on doing the most good possible?
VI.2 Reading: "Of the Principle of Utility" by Jeremy Bentham
Jeff McLaughlin
VI.3 Reading: "Rich and Poor" by Peter Singer
VI.4 Engagement: Mount an Objection (Consistency)
CHAPTER VII: Should I focus on doing my duties?
VII.2 Reading: "The Good Will and the Categorical Imperative" by Immanuel Kant
VII.3 Engagement: Mount an Objection (Counterexample)
CHAPTER VIII: Should I focus on caring?
VIII.2 Reading: "The Ethics of Care as a Moral Theory" by Virginia Held
VIII.3 Reading: "Caring" by Nel Noddings
VIII.4 Engagement: Mount an Objection (Is/Ought Distinction)
CHAPTER IX: Should I focus on justifying myself to others?
IX.2 Reading: "Contractualism and Utilitarianism" by T.M. Scanlon
IX.3 Engagement: Mount an Objection (Paternalism)
CHAPTER X: Is there such a thing as ethics in the marketplace?
X.2 Reading: "Estranged Labor" by Karl Marx
X.3 Reading: "Of the principle which gives occasion to the division of labor" by Adam Smith
X.4 Engagement: Implications (Ethics in the Marketplace)
CHAPTER XI: Is there such a thing as ethics in the workplace?
XI.2 Reading: "On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs" by David Graeber
XI.3 Reading: "The Psychology of Whistleblowing" by James Dungan, Adam Waytz, and Liane Young
XI.4 Engagement: Implications (Ethics in the Workplace)
CHAPTER XII: Is political anger morally justified?
XII.2 Reading: "Forgiveness and Resentment" by Jeffrie Murphy
XII.3 Reading: "Painting in Broad Strokes" by Myisha Cherry
XII.4 Engagement: Implications (Political Anger)
CHAPTER XIII: Is breaking the law morally justified?
XIII.2 Reading: "The Duty to Disregard the Law" by Michael Huemer
XIII.3 Reading: "Political Action: The Problem of Dirty Hands" by Michael Walzer
XIII.4 Engagement: Implications (Breaking the Law)
Appendix: Engagement Strategies
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I.3 Engagement: Define the Terms Copyright © by Rebeccah Leiby is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.