
The Statement of Owners’ Equity/Changes in Net Assets

The Statement of Changes in Net Assets (called the Statement of Equity in a for-profit organization) shows the reasons why net assets changed from the beginning of the statement period to the end of the statement period.[1] This statement is important in showing how the changes in the excess of revenues over expenses affect the net asset or equity position of the organization.


Term Definition Section Info
Contributions for Charity Care Represents money donated to the hospital for providing charity care Included in temporarily restricted net assets
Contributions for Endowment Funds Includes money received from donors with permanent restrictions on the principal and interest Included in permanently restricted net assets
Increase (or Decrease) in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Presents the total changes in temporarily restricted net assets during the statement period Included in temporarily restricted net assets
Net Assets Released from Restrictions Includes money previously restricted by donors that has become available for use Included in temporarily restricted net assets
Net Realized and Unrealized Gains on Investments Reflects an increase on the value of investment (unrealized until sold) and an increase in cash (realized through dividends or interest) Included in temporarily restricted net assets
Net Realized and Unrealized Gains on Investments Represents and increase in the values of investments and an increase in cash Included in permanently restricted net assets
Permanently Restricted Net Assets Presents changes in permanently restricted net assets during the accounting period Includes contributions for endowment funds and net realized and unrealized gains on investments
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Presents the changes in temporarily restricted net assets during the statement period Includes contributions for charity care, net realized and unrealized gains on investments, net assets released from restrictions, and increase/decrease in temporarily restricted net assets
Total Changes in Net Assets Difference between total net assets at the beginning of the year and the total net assets at the end of the year
Unrestricted Net Assets Includes net assets that have not been restricted by donors or granters, such as the excess of revenues to expenses from operations

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  1. Nowicki, M. (2017). Introduction to the financial management of healthcare organizations (7th ed.). Health Administration Press.


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