
This text is a compilation of the work of students in the University of Baltimore’s Spring 2023 Methods in Government and Public Policy class.  Students were asked to contribute to a supplement to their course materials by writing about research methods and ways of knowing not covered in the class textbook. Students were encouraged to write about something pertaining to a group in which they were a member. Students interpreted the assignment in slightly different ways. The material was lightly edited to fix spelling and formatting errors, without changing the work of the original author.

This assignment was designed with the purpose to go beyond the classroom and ask students to reach out to communities, let students explore the voices of diverse communities, and provide space for the presence of diverse communities in discussing research methods, a process that reflects and contributes directly to the movement to “decolonize” and “deconstruct” the hierarchical and “colonial” perspectives dominating “methodology.” In doing so, this project also advances representational (providing a space for marginalized communities), recognitive (socio-cultural diversity), and redistributive justice (open access material).

Authored by Spring 2023 PPIA 408 Class

Contributions are from:
Graham Antreasian
Michael Brown
Esteban Cherquis
George Dwomoh
Oscar Garcia
Olesea Ho
Atira Koikoi
Nessemon Kpazahi
Natasha Lopez-Fischer
Sherricka McGrier-Douglas
Ingrid Nicolau
Philip O’Briant
Liz Solorzano
Cory Somerville
Olivia Yates

Lightly Edited by:
Kelsi Swenton


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Contribution to Knowledge: Reflections on Ways of Knowing Copyright © by Spring 2023 PPIA 408 Class is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.